Friday, January 12, 2007

Port Catheter results

Well, I got the catheter put in last night. Aunt Connie, I got your e-mail about Marie's, and I'm so sorry to hear that she's having so many problems with it. Can they remove it and put a new one in? I think I would definately ask. Sounds like the place that they put it was aweful! Mine is on my left side, just under my collar bone, so that it fits into that little groove. It's pretty sore today, but I don't think it's going to be too bad. It doesn't seem to be crooked or anything, but I'll be taking the bandage off tomorrow morning and will find out for sure.

As for my cyst that we recently found out about, I'm going in on Monday to have an ultrasound and get that checked. Hopefully it's nothing, but it's definately got to be looked into.

I guess that's about it for now. I just wanted to let everyone know that the port catheter surgery went without a hitch. They wanted to just sedate me, but I refused to be awake during surgery. I was so freaked out during the biopsey on my breast that I cried the whole time. I didn't want to go through that again, so I asked them to use general anestesia, which they did. Thank goodness for caring medical staff! I don't care much for my surgeon, but his staff is fabulous! Besides, Tim was right there, and I don't think the were gong to tell me "no" in front of him. He was stressing, so he had his "angry face" on. lol!

Love, Brenda


Anonymous said...


If you know someone that is having problems with their port, they can have a port study done. Sometimes they can fix it right then. The catheter of one of my ports slipped into another vein and they went up and moved it with a lasso. This was done from the groin area with only a local anesthesia. Not bad at all, but very creepy when one thinks about it.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your surgeon is a jerk. Most of them have a holier than thou attitude. If you are that unhappy with him you should see if you would be able to find another one.


Aimee said...

So it's me, Aimee. I have two accounts up and running and they won't give me two profiles. I just wanted to let you know I'm here and reading. I hope you are doing well! I'm going to detach my breast cancer walk site from my other. So if anything changes with the link, I'll let you know!