Sunday, November 05, 2006

Removed the bandages

Well, I finally got my friend, Tammy, to help me remove the bandages last night. I was so worried about how "mangled" I'd be that I couldn't even look in the mirror until she swore to me that it wasn't as bad as I was imagining. I was so upset about looking that I felt like I was going to pass out and had to lie down on the bed! I'm such a big baby! lol.

So, I finally caved in and gave it a look... I have a horizontal cut where they took out the tumor that is about 3 inches long, and another cut under my armpit that is about 2 inches long. I think they should heal up pretty well, though. A side note, however... my armpit is completely numb! Weird. It feels the same way your lip feels after you have a tooth filled. Strange! Hopefully, that will go away with time, but I don't know. I'll have to ask the dr. about it on Wednesday when we see him.

Otherwise, I'm just laying low. Still taking the painkillers and trying not to tear open the stitches. I've gotten several speeches from people who know me only too well... about not "over-doing it." I was trying to pick up stuff around my house yesterday, and got in trouble for that. lol.

Oh, one more thing for today: I have recieved flowers!!!! They are absolutely beautiful! My pals from work sent pink roses. They smell soooo good! Some of the people from Tim's work sent a beautiful pink, yellow and purple boquet with a balloon; Linda and Jim sent a lovely blue, red and yellow boquet; and Tim bought me lillies! Tammy also took Carley out and they got me a balloon, too! My bedroom smells like a flower shop! They're so beautiful!! Thank you, everyone, for your thoughtfulness! I'm not always a "girlie-girl" but I do LOVE flowers! I'm in flower-heaven right now! lol.

Anyways, I guess that's about it for now. I do have this week off of work, but I think I will be well enough to return on the following Monday. I can only sit around my house for so long before I begin to completely lose my mind! So, I'll be back to the Fleet as soon as I can!

Love, ~Brenda


Anonymous said...

Think positive thoughts
Be Positive and smile a lot.
You will make it.

Anonymous said...

I am sooooo proud of you girl. Your an inspiration to all who know and love you.
Did you get my mail re: "The Secret"? I think you will get a lot out of it.
Anyway, I'll look for you Monday., But don't push it, I'd rather you stay at home another week, than pop open a stitch or two..

Love Ya, Chuck