Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Yesterday's chemo is catching up to me

Hey, everyone! Yesterday's chemo is finally catching up to me. I got up this morning and took Carley to school, then pressure washed the driveway. Tim planted a bunch of bushes in front of the house yesterday afternoon, and mud kept getting tracked into the house, so that needed to be taken care of. I cancelled Paxil's vet appointment, because he sounds like he's starting to feel better. Whatever it was, it seems to be going away. So, I just got out of the bath, and was drinking a bottle of water when I realized that my tastebuds are leaving me.... food was fun while it lasted. That's one of the yucky side-affects of the chemo. Food tastes terrible! Every time I can start to taset food again, they give me another big dose of the crap. I'll be so glad when this is over! So, now I'm whipped, and I'm headed off to bed for a couple of hours. Hope everyone has a nice day! Hugz, ~Brenda

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