Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

Well, it's hump-day, and bike week in Daytona. I got my weekly Herceptin yesterday, and we were on the bikes by noon, headed south. We didn't get home until about 11:00 last night, and we froze our butts off on the way home. I thought I would never be warm again.... yuck! lol. But, we have a condo rented for this weekend, with a pool, hot tub, and everything. Plus, it's right by main street, so we'll pretty much walk everywhere we go. We're taking the truck down there, and I'm gonna find a grocery story to stock food for us, so we're not spending a fortune on that stuff. I'm excited! We're gonna have a blast.

Otherwise, all's going well. I was supposed to get the big dose of chemo this week, but my dr. agreed to wait a week so I could enjoy myself in Daytona this weekend. So, the big dose is next Tuesday now. Since it's been 3 weeks since my last big dose, I've been feeling pretty good. My only side-effect right now is that I get tired and worn out pretty easily.

In other news, the upstairs addition is moving very slowly. The girls are doing great, spoiled rotten! And Tim is taking his final for his algebra class on Thursday and he'll be finished with that. I know he'll be happy to have that over with!

I guess that's about it for now. Love and hugz, ~Brenda

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Glad to hear you're having a good time! I so want to sit in a hot tub this weekend too!!!! I'm jealous.