Thursday, January 04, 2007

Clinical Trial/Chemo update

Alright, I know a lot of you are getting fed up with this whole "hurry up and wait" business.... but believe me, nobody is getting as irritated as I am. Here's the skinny: I am NOT starting chemo today.


Why, you ask? Well, turns out that I'll be giving this clinical trial a shot (I'll get to more info on that in a minute), and I need to get a port put into my chest for the chemo to be fed into. (That's another trip to Shands, to see my surgeon.) Otherwise, my veins will be a mess from so many injections. So, messing around with TriCare once again, and it looks like I may be able to have it put in around the beginning of next week. We shall see. Then, they have to wait 7 days after the port is in before they can start chemo. So, I'll keep you updated.

As for the clinical trial, the drugs that will be given include (here are websites with more info):

Docetaxel (Taxotere);_ylt=AptZldqsi2e_6CnW9r7STcIkD7sF

Carboplatin (Paraplatin):;_ylt=AtJYuLwa33CR8Y3QW38yFW8kD7sF

Bevacizumab (Avastin):

Trastuzumab (Herceptin):;_ylt=Ag143k2SsVWDeiMVl3Cbb7MkD7sF

Now, if you take the time to look at the websites I've listed and see what goes on with these drugs, you may be asking why I'd opt for this clinical trial. Here's the deal...

I am an anomoly.
I am 31 years old (young).
I have a (paternal) family history of breast cancer.
On a scale of 1-3 for agressiveness, mine is a 3.

Getting into this trial ensures that I will be able to get the most advanced care possible. Since my cancer is so agressive, I need to be equally agressive. Plus, if you look up the three types of chemo that they were origionally going to give me, the health risks are similar.

Keep in mind that all the possible health risks listed are just that: risks. That does not mean that these things will happen to me. Try reading the warnings on a Tylenol bottle sometime. Yet, you still take them. Same with this. They have to tell you about the risks involved, no matter how big or small the risk is.

So, once again, my chemo has been delayed. They tell me how agressive the cancer is, but they sure are taking their time fighting it! On top of all that, my Mom is trying to figure out dates on when she should come to visit, but I don't have any answers for her. I know that has to be frustrating!

Anyways, I guess that means I'll just have to keep you all updated as I learn things. ~Brenda

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