Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey, everyone! I hope you're all having a wonderful holiday! I got up and made cinnamon rolls (out of a can) this morning and I thought my kids were gonna attack me for them! I guess I don't make them often enough. lol.

I had my second surgery yesterday, and all seemed to go well. I was in and back out in about an hour. I spent the rest of the day in bed catching up on old episodes of Grey's Anatomy. I love that show! lol.

Today, Tim is going to fry a turkey, and then we're going to go to Kevin and Tammy's house and take it easy. This way, I don't have to cook. I am a little sore from surgery, and I'm not allowed to lift anything. Besides, I'm on drugs right now, and the dr. told me that I'm not to be driving or cooking for a couple of days.

We wanted to go to Atlanta to visit Tim's Dad and Jane today, but I don't think I'd be able to tolerate a 6-hour car ride right now, as much as I really would love to see them. So, Tom and Jane, I hope to get to see you soon... just not this weekend. Have fun at the Vols game on Saturday! I love you!

To everyone else, have a wonderful holiday! I am thankful for all of my friends and family this year, and most especially for the gift of health. I realize that I am fighting cancer, but every day is a bright, beautiful day towards the end of my battle. I am learning to cherish the NOW and not worry so much about TOMORROW. Everything has a wonderful new meaning to me. I know that having a cancer diagnosis is never good, but you wouldn't believe the way it changes your outlook on life. I do believe that there are some blessings that God ment for me to find with this. Maybe it's His little way of telling me to slow down and take my time.

Oh, and one more thing... I want to brag just a little: I have quit smoking! My last cigarette was on Saturday around noon, and I haven't had one since! I've managed to quit "cold turkey" and so far so good. I have a deep-down feeling this time that I've never had the other times I've quit: I really do feel like it's "forever" this time. I really don't need that negative part in my life, and I do want to be finished with it. So, that is my gift to myself. Sometimes you just need to do the right thing.

Ok, I guess that's it for now. Have a wonderful holiday! Love, ~Brenda

"Sometimes the best we can do when we get to the end of our rope is to just tie a knot and hang on." ~Vickie Girard

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