Thursday, October 26, 2006

My positive attitude...

Many of you have commented to me on my positive attitude and the ability to maintain my sense of humor. While many of you may see it as my being strong, it may really be a slight bit of self-denial and a way to make light of the situation. Whatever it may be, it seems to work for me, even if Tim doesn't appreciate my weight-loss and bald jokes. (Sorry, baby!)

Really, I have no choice in the situation. I could sit around feeling sorry for myself because this has "happened" to me. I won't do that, though. That's not me. I have too many people in my life to survive for... starting with my girls! So, my only other option is to look this in the eye and take it head on. Step by step, I know that I'll get through it with Tim's help and the help of all of my friends and family.

I have been trying to think of ways to encourage myself later on, when I'm not feeling so great. One of those ways is to make a list of POSITIVES that can come of this. Here is my list thus far:
  • This is bringing me closer to friends and relatives that I have not spoken to in a long time.
  • I will be able to help bring awareness to younger women of the dangers of breast cancer.
  • I have already begun to appreciate the smaller things in life.
  • I've noticed that my family members are taking me for granted less.
  • Tim has been spoiling me rotten (more than usual), which is fun. (wink)
  • This will erase any self-doubt that I may have had in my own abilities.
  • I will eventually quit smoking.
  • This gives me an opportunity to let all of my friends and family know what they mean to me.
  • I'm paving the way to a healthier lifestyle for myself and my family.
  • I have been pre-warned to watch for this in Carley when she gets a little older.

I know the list can be much longer, but that is what I have so far. I can't focus on the negatives, because they are too scary... it's the unknown. But, the positives will be a crutch, a handle to hold on to when things begin to get stormy for me.

Let me know if you have any other suggestions for "positives." Love, ~Brenda

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